Animals Health Life Pets

Is Your Cat Trying to Tell You Something? Cat Behavior Explained

Is Your Cat Trying to Tell You Something? Cat Behavior Explained August 23, 2019

What's the one thing your cat would tell you if it could talk?

Unfortunately, cats can't speak. But that doesn't mean they don't communicate to us. If you want to give your cats the best care to ensure they live long and happy lives, you have to understand what they're trying to tell you. Here are common cats behaviors explained...

Why does my cat play with their tail?

Photo by Vinicius Benedit from Pexels

This behavior is more common for kittens than adult cats, but can happen at any age. Cats play with their tails when there's lack of stimulation. They'll be laying around, suddenly see movement, so their predator instincts kick in and they target their tail. It's honestly adorable to watch. In some cases a cat will attack another cat's tail. It's incredibly harmless and there's nothing to cause alarm, but just like with any behavior keep an eye on it. If you notice that your cat becomes very violent, hissing at their tail, and doing it frequently, you may want to consider taking them to the vet.

Why does my cat sleep so much?

Photo by Francesco Ungaro from Pexels

Similar to their non-domesticated counterparts such as lions and tigers, cats sleep a lot. On average a cat may sleep between 12-20 hours a day! Cats are predators and it takes a lot of energy to play and hunt all day. Typically a cat will spend most of the day sleeping and will be awake at night since it's better to hunt in the shadows. Though a domesticated cat will adapt its sleep schedule to its feeding schedule.

Why does my cat get into the trash?

Image by Dimitris Vetsikas from Pixabay

A cat's desire to get into the trash can stems from their sense of smell. The average cat has about 200 million scent receptors in their nasal cavity; making their sense of smell stronger than a human but not as strong as a dog. With that said, if they smell leftover food in the trash can, you can bet that they will climb on in. To prevent them from doing this it would be best to throw out the trash soon after tossing away leftover food.

Why does my cat pee around the house?

Photo by Tranmautritam from Pexels

Cats use their scent to mark their territory. This could mean rubbing themselves on items or "spraying" which unfortunately means peeing around the house. When a cat picks up this behavior it's usually due to not getting along with another cat. If you live in a house with multiple cats, it's something to keep an eye on. For a cat to assert their dominance they will mark their territory so the other cat/s know who is in charge. They will usually pick a corner of the room or a side on the wall. Depending on where you live, if there's outdoor cats that come close to your front or back door, your cat/s may be marking their territory to keep the outdoor cat away. Remember to pay attention to your cat's behavior when they are spraying: if they seem concerned or in pain it could be the result of a urinary tract infection.

Why does my cat sneeze?

Photo by Amir Ghoorchiani from Pexels

Just like people may sneeze due to an allergen in the air cats react in the same way. Similar to other strange behaviors, keep track of how often your cat sneezes. Specifically if your cat has watery eyes, sneezes frequently, and a runny nose, you might want to consider taking them to the vet because it may be a sign of an upper respiratory infection.

Why does my cat bite me?

Photo by Alberto Bigoni on Unsplash

The most common explanation behind a cat biting you is that they want you to stop. Maybe you are being too loud, maybe you are poking them, maybe you are just causing some sort of irritation to them, but whatever it may be your cat wants you to knock it off. On the flip side, your cat may bite you to show affection. These bites tend to my softer and more gentle than the aggressive bites that tell you to stop. More times than not your cat is just showing off their love and affection. If they do bite too hard, just let them know and they'll change their behavior for the future.

Why does my cat paw at the window?

Image by g3gg0 from Pixabay

Cats love looking out the window to hunt for animals passing by and to soak up some sunshine. But you may have noticed that your cat occasionally paws or scratches at the window. There are multiple reasons behind a cat doing this and all of them are pretty cute and silly. First and foremost a cat may be marking their territory. Cats have scent glands located on their pads. By pawing at the window they are notifying the nearby cats of who lives there. Another reason your cat may be pawing at the window may sound strange, but glass acts as a great tool for a cat to sharpen their claws. Or if your cat has been lounging by the window for a while, they may be pawing at the window to get in a good stretch.

Why does my cat hate water?

Image by rihaij from Pixabay

There is no for sure explanation as to why some cats have an aversion to water. Scientists believe it's due to the fact that as cats were domesticated we limited their interaction with water. There's also the possibility that their distant relatives: lions and leopards avoid the water in fear of predators that lurk beneath the surface. Though there are breeds of cats that love the water. One such breed is the Turkish Angora. Not only will these cats possibly hop in the shower with you, but they may jump into your pool to go for a swim! Other cat breeds that adore water would be the Maine Coon, Japanese Bobtail, American Bobtail, Manx, Norwegian Forest Cat, American Short-hair, Turkish Van, and Bengal cats.

Why does my cat knead?

Photo by Kristin Brown on Unsplash

You may call it kneading or "making biscuits" but it's the motion a cat makes when they push their paws forward into a surface, alternating paws. The reason a cat may do this is not straight forward, in fact there's several theories behind this cute habit. The simplest one is that the cat is trying to make an area more comfortable for sleeping. The other theory is that they are marking their territory. As mentioned earlier in this article, cats have scent glands in their pads, so by kneading they are marking that territory as belonging to them. So if a cat is kneading on you, they are showing how much they love you! The other theory stems to a cat's life as a kitten. Newborn kittens would knead on their moms to help them to produce milk to drink. Essentially it would be a motion they would make to show a sign of comfort and security.

Why does my cat put their toy in their food/water bowl?

Photo by Kim Davies on Unsplash

You may occasionally find that your cat will place their favorite toy in their food or water bowl. Cats feel that their food and water bowls are a safe and secure place. So when they bring their toy back to their food bowl they want to keep it in a safe place. It goes back to the theory that in the wild a cat would bring captured prey back to it's home so it was safe from other predators who may want to steal their catch.

Why does my cat go on the counter?

Photo by Nick Karvounis on Unsplash

Cats are naturally curious animals and love to climb. By climbing to a higher height they can better survey their surroundings: giving them the advantage to pounce on their prey. If you don't feel comfortable with your cat walking around the counter in the kitchen or the bathroom, invest in getting a cat tree. This will give your cat the stimulation they need as well as something they can scratch and play on.

Why does my cat drag their butt on the floor?

Photo by Suganth on Unsplash

Once in a blue moon, you may see your cat pulling themselves along as their butt sits flat against the floor. One of the biggest reasons your cat may be doing this is because there may be something stuck to their butt. So help them out by cleaning them up. The other reason a cat may pick up this particular behavior would be parasitic worms. In some cases you can check your cat's bottom or stool for worms though there is a possibility that you won't see anything. Either way, it would be best to take your cat to the vet.

Why does my cats wrestle with each other?

Image by birgl from Pixabay

Cats love playing with each other. This may simply be chasing around the house or wrestling. When cats wrestle it may seem violent, but it's usually harmless. Just ensure that both cats involved keep their claws sheathed, there's no hissing or growling, minimal biting, ears are remaining in a normal position, and their tails and fur are not becoming bushy or puffy. If you start to notice aggression, it's time to interfere and separate the cats.

Why is my cat skittish around men?

Image by Alexas-Fotos from Pixabay

This behavior can be very common with a cat that you have adopted. Since cats are unable to communicate in a human language we are only able to deduce what may have happened between them and their previous owners by how they react around different types of people. If you notice that your cat runs for cover when a man is near more than likely they experienced some sort of abuse from a man in their previous life. Let your cat enjoy their solitude then you can try to comfort them. The only way to break this behavior is to establish positive associations. Try having a guy softly call your cat over, have them offer your cat treats, or have them try brushing your cat.

Why does my cat purr?

Photo by Chris Abney on Unsplash

Purring is very common among household cats. But why do cats purr? We aren't exactly sure, but there have been many studies that have begun to shed light over this cute behavior. Originally, as a society, we attributed a cat's purrs as a sign of happiness and content. Over the years, we've realized that cats also purr when they are scared. Think of it in the same aspect as people smiling when they are nervous, it's just a defense mechanism. Cats also purr when they are in pain or labor. So scientists have theorized that maybe there is a healing factor behind a purr. Going along with this idea, people often attribute the sound of purring with peacefulness and calmness. This could possibly explain why when we are in pain, cats comfort us and begin quietly purring. Maybe they think that if their purring can heal themselves from pain, it can heal us as well.

Why does my cat cough?

Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

The most common explanation behind a cat coughing is a hairball. Cats develop hairballs from grooming themselves. When too much fur builds up in their stomach, there's only one of two ways it can leave the body. To prevent hairballs groom your cat regularly and make sure they maintain a healthy diet. With that said, sometimes your cat may be coughing for a different reason. Cats like to see in very weird and occasionally contorted positions. By doing this your cat may be leaning their neck on a surface. So when they awake they will start coughing. You can always rub their throat to help them alleviate the pain and discomfort.

Why does my cat want human food?

Photo by Sheep . from Pexels

Cats love food. A lot of times they may find that human food smells just as good if not better than their food. While having meals throughout the day you may notice that your cat wants to join you. If you want to share your food just be cautious; make sure you do your research to make sure that the food is not harmful to your cat. Also keep an eye on your cat's relationship with human food. Cats that have been adopted may need help weaning off of human food. It's important to remember that cats have their own nutritional standards. If a cat eats too much human food, it can cause dietary/digestive problems for them down the road.

Why does my cat eat plants and flowers?

Photo by Linnea Sandbakk on Unsplash

Cats are carnivorous animals, but once in a while they branch out to enjoy vegetation. Cats share some similarities with young children in that they learn about their surroundings by putting things in their mouth. If your cat likes the taste of the flowers or the plant in your house then they will continue to eat it. There are some plants that cats are more drawn to than others that are actually good for them to eat such as peppermint, lemongrass, and valerian root. Make sure that you do some research before bringing plants into your house. Lilies are insanely toxic to cats. If a cat eats any part of this plant, it can cause kidney failure or death.

Why does my cat open their mouth and look around?

Image by Juraj Varga Jfrom Pixabay

You may have found your cat walking around the house and all of a sudden they stop and open their mouth wide as they look around the room. It can be a bit alarming but the explanation behind this behavior it pretty cool. Cats do this as a way to smell and determine the origin of an interesting scent. Located in the roof of their mouth, behind their front teeth, is the Jacobson's organ. Other big cats as well as horses and snakes have the same receptor. So when they are sniffing the air and open their mouth, they are using this receptor to draw the scent in and focus it on the Jacobson's organ in order to find out where the scent came from and what caused it.

Why does my cat smell my shoes?

Photo by Ernesto Carrazana on Unsplash

When not wearing your shoes, you may find your cat sitting on them or sticking their face directly into your shoes. Besides the obvious theory that your cat may be marking their territory, the other theory is that they are taking in your scent. Humans have a heavily concentrated scent in their feet, so that means that your shoes and socks contain strong amounts of your scent. Your cat will pick up on this and want to cuddle with them to feel closer to you, specifically when you aren't home. Some cats may even like the salty taste of sweat in your footwear...

Why does my cat paw at me?

Photo by Jonas Vincent on Unsplash

In the middle of the night you may wake up to your cat pawing at your face. Typically a cat will paw at you for attention and affection. They would also be indicating to you that they want food or that their litter pan needs to be cleaned. Though another reason behind this sweet behavior is that your cat is marking your as their own. Cats have scent glands on their pads. By pawing at your they are placing their scent on you to let other cats know that you are their property.

Why does my cat headbutt me?

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Besides having scent glands in their pads, cats also have scent glands on their heads and cheeks. So whenever your cat gives your a little headbutt they are marking you as their owner. However, it can be more complex than just marking their scent. Cats may give you a little headbutt to show that they trust and respect you. Take note of when your cat gives you a headbutt. Sometimes it's to get your attention if you are spending too much time on your phone and not enough attention on them.

Why Does My Cat Lick Its Lips?

Getty Images: Priscila Zambotto

Cats lick their lips when they eat, and that's normal. But if you notice your cat licking its lips a lot when it's not eating, it could be a sign of stress or even nausea. Watch out for this warning sign, especially if you'd like to avoid cleaning cat vomit off the carpet.

Why Does My Cat Drool?

Getty Images: Virginie Blanquart

Kittens are going to drool from time to time, but in adult cats, this is another health warning sign. It could be the result of something relatively benign like a toothache, but it could also easily be caused by kidney failure or cancer. Either way, it's worth getting your cat checked out by a vet.

Why Does My Cat Meow So Much?

Getty Images: Malcolm MacGregor

All cats meow, and some are noisier than others. But if your cat suddenly starts talking more than normal, it means something is wrong. It often means that the cat is scared, anxious or (very commonly) feels sick in some way.

Why Does My Cat Stare at Me and Blink Slowly?

Getty Images: 101cats

If a cat looks you straight in the eye and then slowly blinks (then possibly turns their head to the side), they are telling you that they love you. The slow blink is one of the highest honors a cat can bestow upon a loved one.

Why Does My Cat Get So Restless?

Getty Images: Nico De Pasquale Photography

If your cat keeps getting up and moving around, if they're making more noise than normal, and if they're trying to get extra attention and physical contact from you, it could be that they're simply in heat. This frustration manifests in a lot of different ways, which is completely understandable.

Why Does My Cat Beg?

Getty Images: Danielle Donders

Cats are going to beg, obviously, because it's a good way to get what they want. But if your cat suddenly starts begging significantly more than usual, it could be a sign that something is wrong. It could be caused by parasites, or be a symptom of an illness like diabetes or cancer.

Why Does My Cat Flatten Her Ears?

Getty Images: anniepaddington

Cat's ears go down when they're frightened. Part of this is because they're trying to make themselves appear smaller, helping them to hide. If you see your cat's ears drop down suddenly, it's worth checking to make sure they're okay.

Why Did My Cat Stop Eating?

Getty Images: Vstock LLC

Cat appetites can vary depending on a long list of factors. But if your cat suddenly stops eating altogether, even for as little as 24 hours at a time, it could be a sign that it's seriously ill. Don't wait to take the cat to the vet to see what could be the matter.

Why Does My Cat Show Me His Belly?

Getty Images: Renāte Briede

Most people assume that if a cat shows you its belly, that means it wants to be scratched. That may be what dogs want, but it's the opposite of what cats want. When a cat makes itself vulnerable by exposing its tummy, it's showing you it trusts you not to touch its belly. So it's a direct breach of that trust to do so, which is why you'll probably end up getting scratched.

Why Does My Cat Miss Her Litter Box?

Getty Images: GK Hart/Vikki Hart

Don't blame your kitty if they suddenly stop using the litter tray. It's probably not a behavioral issue. Commonly ignoring the litter tray could mean that your can has a urinary tract infection, and they simply don't have time to get to the tray when nature calls.

Why Does My Cat Sit on My Laptop?

Getty Images: by [D.Jiang]

If your cat is sitting on your laptop, it could be because it's too cold in your house. Cats' ideal body temperature is higher than that of humans, so don't blame your kitty if it's seeking out the warmest place available to get a bit more comfortable.

Why Does My Cat Roll Over?

Getty Images: Michelle McMahon

Contrary to popular belief, cats aren't loners. They just show affection in different ways than humans do. If a cat is looking at you and rolling around, they're probably trying to get some attention. This is a good time to stroke or play with them to make them happy.

Why Does My Cat Keep His Distance?

Getty Images: Adam Kuylenstierna / EyeEm

Why is your cat randomly ignoring you or hiding further away than normal? It's often because they're scared. Anything from new clothes to the presence of a stranger can spook a cat, so it's important to let them have their space and allow them to discover for themselves that whatever's upset them isn't really a big deal.

When Does My Cat Run Around the House?

Getty Images

It's completely normal for older cats to slow down and get tired more easily. What's more worrying is when they suddenly gain extra speed and energy. This could be a symptom of hyperthyroidism, so it's worth getting them checked out.

Why Does My Cat Hide?

Getty Images: C.Aranega

All cats love to hide, so hiding in and of itself isn't a warning that anything's wrong. But if your cat refuses to come out of hiding, it could mean that they're in pain, and are curling up in a quiet corner to try to feel safe.

Why Does My Cat Howl?

Getty Images: Martin Poole

If your cat is making pained, angry howling noises, it's time to take them to the vet. Cats only make this noise when something is very wrong, so you need to give them immediate attention.

Why Does My Cat Groom Himself So Much?

Getty Images: Elena Pejchinova

There's such a thing as being too clean. Cats can develop obsessive compulsive disorders similar to humans. Psychogenic alopecia is one that involves a cat rubbing itself bald. It's a dangerous mental condition, and likely the symptom of another problem, so have a vet examine your cat if it displays this behavior.

Why Does My Cat Wag Her Tail?

Getty Images: SensorSpot

Dogs wag their tails when they're happy, but in cats, this is a warning sign. A tail quickly flicking from side to side is an indicator that something is very wrong, and that your cat is stressed, anxious, or sick.

Why Does My Cat's Tail Twitch?

Getty Images: C.Aranega

If, on the other hand, your cat's tail is simply twitching a little, particularly at the tip, there's no need for alarm. This simply means that your cat is focusing very intently on something nearby.

Why Does My Cat Pee So Much?

Getty Images: Axel Bueckert / EyeEm

If your cat is peeing a lot more frequently, and the volume of cat pee in your home has increased dramatically, it could be a sign that they've got a urinary infection. Keep an eye on this behavior and consider a trip to the vet.

Why Does My Cat Use the Litter Box So Often?

Getty Images: graphixel

If, on the other hand, your cat is peeing more frequently but is only letting out a little pee each time, it could be a sign of bladder stones, which can be a far bigger problem to fix. So, yes, sadly, you really need to be paying very close attention to your cat's bathroom schedule.

Why Does My Cat Rub Against Everything?

Getty Images: Thanat Yodwong / EyeEm

If a cat is rubbing their face against things, they're saying, "This is mine." Smell is very important to cats, and they like to leave their scent on their environment to help mark out their territory. At least this method of scent marking is cleaner that that used by dogs.

Why Does My Cat Yowl?

Getty Images

If your cat's meows change so that they're long, drawn out, and louder than usual, it could be a sign that they're in heat. This isn't a problem, but there are other noises a cat can make that communicate bigger, more urgent issues.

Why Does My Cat Point Her Tail?

Getty Images: Linda Raymond

If you see a cat strutting towards you with their tail up and the tip pointing to one side, they're basically saying hello. This cat is feeling friendly and sociable, and would probably like to be stroked.

Why Does My Cat Rub Against My Legs?

Getty Images: Jaromir Chalabala / EyeEm

If your cat rubs itself up against you when you first get into the house of an evening, it's probably because you smell weird. You've been out and about all day picking up new smells and scents, and your cat is basically trying to fix you by marking you as part of their family.

Why does my cat have a puffy tail?

Photo by kadmy from CanStockPhoto

Cats are incredibly expressive when it comes to using their tails; it's their form of non-verbal communication. So if their tail suddenly puffs up and they arch their back, looking similar to a stereotypical Halloween cat, they're indicating that they feel scared or threatened. This reaction can be caused by hearing a loud noise or someone sneaking up behind. It's nothing to cause alarm. Just remember to check on your cat and calm them down if they need it.

Why does my cat eat plastic?

Image by filatovvlad0 from Pixabay

Cats love eating and playing with their food. So why plastic? Well a lot of times plastic bags have residue left over from food, so they may be tasting the food and not necessarily the flavorless plastic. However, some cats just like the crinkling sound of plastic, so eat it for the fun value. Eating plastic in very small amounts is harmless for cats. If you notice that your cat does it frequently and eats a lot of plastic, they may have developed pica, a condition in which your cat with eat non-food material such as plastic, paper, or shoelaces. If you are concerned take your cat to the vet and they will help you to develop a nutritional plan to help them break their habit.

Why does my cat chirp?

Photo by Ruca Souza from Pexels

Cats make a variety of different noises from meows and yowls to chirps. The chirping sound is usually accompanied by chattering teeth and is usually triggered when your cat sees prey. You'll notice this can happen when your cat is looking out the window and spots a bird. Some people believe cats make this chirping sound as a way to mimic the birds chirps to lure them closer. However, this theory doesn't hold since we've noticed that cats make this same sound when they see squirrels and other rodents like mice and rats. So it's just one of their hunting tactics. Let them chirp away!

Circling Before Sleeping


Dogs and cats go in a circle before they sleep as a form of protection. It gives them one last chance to fully survey their surroundings before falling asleep. This would be an important thing to do in the wild to keep themselves and their pack safe from predators.

Holding Up One Paw

iStock / smrm1977

Have you ever wondered if something was wrong with your dog because they were holding their paw up? No need to worry! For dogs, this paw motion is more akin to a person scratching their head because they are thinking or curious about something. Now you know that your dog is just deep in thought when they do this!

Getting In Boxes


Whose cat doesn’t like to get in boxes? They sleep in them. They hide in them. They play in them. Some cats even stuff themselves into boxes far too small for them! The reason that cats love boxes so much is that boxes evoke their predator side. They can hide and observe their prey (or your toes).

Bringing You Their Toys


When your dog brings you their toys it might be because they want to play with you. However, sometimes, this happens when the pet wants to give you a gift and show you how much they love you. It is a good idea to praise your dog when they do this so they will show you love and invite you to play more often.

Showing You Their Belly


Both cats and dogs are willing to roll over and show you their belly. When a dog lays on its back and shows you its belly, it’s a sign of trust. Cats are more likely to show you their belly while stretching, but just like dogs, it means they know that they can trust you.

Shaking Their Head


It’s so cute when dogs shake their heads and their ears flop back and forth! Dogs do this to get anything out of their ears that shouldn’t be there. It is also an effective way to rid of any irritation or itching the dog may feel. It is far safer than using claws to scratch the tender ears.

Making a Mad Dash


Some pet parents call it the zoomies. When your dog or cat just takes off running in what seems like a mad dash to wherever their feet take them. To you, it may appear to have no rhyme or reason, but your pet is experiencing an energy burst and getting exercise, which is a great thing.



Like humans, cats and dogs can always use a good stretch. From time to time you will see your pet stretch its legs or back. Did you know that sometimes it can also be a sign of endearment? If your dog stretches when they see you after a while apart, it means that they are glad to see you!



Animals crouch to gain leverage before they jump. However, there are other reasons that animals crouch down low to the ground. A pet unsure of their surroundings may crouch down and observe what is happening around them. They may also be anticipating arising to greet or play with a companion.



Dogs pant as a natural cooling mechanism. Unlike humans, dogs have limited sweat glands, mainly in their paw pads, so they release excess heat by panting. This process allows moisture on their tongues and respiratory tract to evaporate, regulating body temperature. Panting is vital for preventing overheating, especially during physical activity or in warm environments.



Howling is much more than barking. Your dog’s whole body changes position and is part of a howl. This isn’t a random bark. This is a distinct form of communication. It is your dog’s way of saying they are lonely or calling their pack back to them. It can even be a mating call.

Laying on Your Stuff


Cats are the most common culprits, but dogs do it, too. Laying on your stuff- from clothes to books to computers, pets lay on your things to be closer to you. It also usually works to make them the center of your attention. This is why it is so hard to use a computer with a cat around.

Licking Your Face


When a dog licks your face, you can assume that they are happy to see you. This is a greeting that lets you know that they come in peace and are friendly. This is a dog who is ready to be your friend or they already are!



A dog might yawn because it is tired. Another reason is that it is showing passive behavior in a group situation. In other words, if a dog is hanging out and feeling comfortable, they might yawn to show everyone how relaxed they feel. So, if your dog yawns around others, you can bet they are feeling safe and laid back.

Rolling On The Grass


If your dog likes to play outside, you have no doubt seen them roll around in the grass. Dogs do this to pick up scents. Rolling in the grass gives the dog the scent of the area they are playing in. This is believed to be an instinctual behavior for dogs.

Showing Their Teeth


When a dog or cat shows their teeth it is definitely a sign of aggression. Not so fast, though! Some aggression can be just a part of the play. Don’t be too worried if your dog shows its teeth during a game of tug of war or while playing fetch.

Head Tilting


Dogs tilting their heads make the cutest photos, especially when their ears are perked up and attentive. The true meaning behind this pose is a desire to understand you better. They are showing you their facial expression and adjusting their ears to hear you better.

Catnip Craze


It’s no secret that cats love catnip. Whether sniffing it, eating it, or rolling around it, they have a very definite reaction to this little herb. The chemical in catnip is called nepetalactone and it makes cats go nuts running around, playing, and usually sleeping afterward.

Shaking When Wet


Animals can help themselves dry off faster by rapidly shaking all over. It shakes their coat, helping to shed the larger droplets of water. If you have ever bathed a dog, you know how this works. Cats shake off to get dry too, or to remove any other unwanted substance from their fur.



Would it surprise you to know that cats don’t meow to communicate with other cats? Cats make all sorts of noises to communicate with other cats like hissing, purring, and growling, but when they meow it is to communicate with humans. Many researchers believe that cats are trying to emulate human speech patterns and noises when they are meowing. 

Tail Wagging


Tail wagging is not the same for dogs as it is for cats. When cats wag their tails it is usually an indicator that they are unhappy. With dogs, the opposite is usually true. Dogs wag their tails when they are happy or excited.

Rolling Onto Their Back


When two dogs are play fighting (or even fighting for real) one dog may roll onto its back to show subservience. This is kind of like giving up or crying uncle. Hopefully, you only see this happen when dogs are genuinely playing. If this happens too often, you may have a case of doggy bullying.

Chewing Up Everything


The thing about puppies and kittens is that they are babies. Like other babies, they have teeth that are coming in and they want to chew on everything. Since they are also developing super strong jaws, this means that teething can be destructive. Better get them a toy to chew on!

Staring Into Your Eyes


Does your pet take “puppy dog eyes’ to a whole new level? It turns out that these sweet and oh-so-cute looks that pets give have a wonderful meaning. When your pet stares deep into your eyes it is a sign that they love you.

They Sleep In Your Bed


This might annoy some people, especially if you have spent a small fortune on a fancy pet bed. Your pet wants to sleep in your bed to be closer to you and your scent likely makes them feel safe. It is also likely that your bed feels pretty comfy to them.

Eating Grass


Cats and dogs eat grass when they have an upset stomach. It isn’t bad for them as long as the grass doesn’t have pesticides on it. If your pet has prolonged issues with an upset stomach, it could be time for a visit to your local vet.

Cats Scratching Everything


Cats scratch to maintain healthy claws by removing the outer layer, marking territory with scent glands in their paws, and stretching their muscles. It's a natural behavior that helps them communicate, exercise, and keep their claws functional. Providing appropriate scratching posts can redirect this behavior and protect furniture.

Following You Around


Puppies and kittens imprint on their owners. This means that they see their owners as parents. They are following you around expecting love and attention- as well as a treat now and again. They also have a keen interest in discovering what you are doing.

Flicking Their Ears


Both dogs and cats have very sensitive ears. Sometimes they flick them because they feel touched or blown on. Animals also flick their ears when they hear an unusual sound or are trying to hear a noise clearer. They will also turn their ears in the direction they perceive a sound to be coming from.

Leaning On You


Dogs lean on their owners as a sign of affection, trust, and a desire for closeness. It's a way for them to feel secure and bonded. Leaning provides comfort, and dogs often seek physical contact to strengthen the emotional connection with their owners, reinforcing the sense of safety and support.

Sitting On You


When your dog sits on you they are offering you their protection. They might sit on your feet or sit with their feet touching you. This is how they let you know they have your back. It is very much part of a dog's nature to want to protect their pack and the people that they love.

Raised Hackles


Raised hackles on a cat or dog means that they are upset. They do this when they are super aware of the possibility of danger. In this way, they are using their fur to puff up and make themselves seem as large and fierce as possible to any would-be predators.

Kneading You


Cats kneading seems so sweet and innocent unless they get too excited and the claws come out. Why do cats knead on you? Researchers have different ideas, but most think it is a cat's way of showing affection back to you for caring for them.



If your pet is pacing around the house your first guess should be that they are wanting to take a bathroom break outside. They may also be bored or want to run off some excess energy. If your pet is pacing around, you should try to figure out the cause and address it.



Cats jump to get away from you while dogs jump so they can get to you. Cats jump to get to a higher space away from everyone. Dogs jump up on you as a greeting and often jump when playing as well.

Nibbling On You


Cats may nibble as a form of communication or to show affection. It can be an instinctive behavior from kittenhood, associated with nursing. Nibbling might also be a sign of contentment, akin to grooming. However, if it becomes too aggressive, it could indicate overstimulation, and providing toys or distractions can help redirect this behavior.

Smelling the Air


Dogs have an extraordinary sense of smell, and sniffing the air helps them gather information about their environment. They can detect scents, identify specific odors, and even track trails. Smelling the air is a way for dogs to explore and understand their surroundings, communicate with other animals, and gather valuable information about potential threats or interesting stimuli.

Squinting their Eyes


Dogs and cats may narrow their eyes as a sign of contentment or trust. It's often referred to as "soft eyes" and indicates a relaxed state. Additionally, squinting can be a response to bright light or a defensive mechanism, conveying submission or calmness in social interactions. This behavior fosters positive communication between the animals and their owners.

Head Butting


Head butting is a common affectionate behavior in pets. Cats and dogs may gently bump their heads against you as a sign of love, trust, or seeking attention. It's a way for them to mark you with their scent glands, displaying a strong bond and reinforcing their connection with you through physical contact.



Dogs can exhibit a "smile" as a non-aggressive expression of happiness or submission. This often involves a relaxed open mouth, sometimes with a wagging tail. It signals contentment and a positive emotional state. Dogs may smile in response to positive interactions, such as playtime or being greeted by their owners, showcasing their friendly disposition.