
The Inside Of This Abandoned Cruise Ship Left Them In Shock

The Inside Of This Abandoned Cruise Ship Left Them In Shock March 18, 2023Leave a comment

It was big news when a cruise ship capsized in the sea. Ten years later, it was found still laying underwater where it ran aground. Divers Mike and Jeff decided to look inside, but they didn't expect what they found. When they entered the ship, they suddenly heard a scream aboard…

Follow the Sound


Mike looked at the rusty old door. He knew the scream came from there. Unfortunately it was locked so they had to pry it open. Jeff was looking around with his flashlight to see if he could find some kind of pipe when he saw a crowbar lying on the ground.

Opening the Door


Jeff quickly picked up the crowbar and ran for the door. He leaned back, knowing he had only one chance to open that lock, and he slammed the crowbar on the lock. A loud bang echoed through the vessel, the lock fell to the floor, and Mike quickly opened the door.

Screams In The Distance


They couldn't believe what they saw inside. Now the screams had so much meaning to them! They knew they had to call the police immediately… But what did the divers find on the cruise ship? Where were the strange screams coming from and why did the police need to get involved?

An Abandoned Cruise Ship


Jeff and Mike knew that no one was allowed near the sunken cruise ship, but they didn't care. As soon as they saw it, they wanted to climb on it to check it out. And so the young divers set off early in the morning when no one would stop them…

Dangerous Situation


The ship didn't seem very sturdy, and who knows what they would find inside. It could be dangerous, and if something happened to one of them, there was no way they would get back to shore in time. But Jeff didn't listen. He had already started looking for a way in.

One Last Look


The deck of the ship dipped into the water. They took this chance to climb in and look for a door. They had to be careful. One mistake and they could slip into the water. Jeff tied their boat to a railing on the cruise and gave Mike one last look.

Don't Leave Him Alone!


But Mike sighed and shook his head. He wasn't going to go in, but when he saw Jeff clambering onto the deck, he knew he couldn't leave him alone. So he took a deep breath and went after Jeff. If only he knew then what a bad idea this would be.

A Strange Atmosphere


As soon as they entered the ship, they could feel its strange atmosphere. It was quiet and dark, and the only sounds were the creaks of metal parts and splashes of water. "Wow," they both said in unison. "We should go ba.." Mike said, but Jeff was already out of sight.

Exploring the Rooms


"Wait up!" shouted Mike, who started running after Jeff. His voice echoed in the distant corridors of the ship. As Jeff and Mike explored the derelict cruise ship, they came across countless rooms, each with its own eerie atmosphere. Some rooms were locked but fortunately not all of the rooms were.

The Main Hall


They first entered the main hall, which was large and spacious, with high ceilings all around and a grand staircase leading to the upper decks. However, the room was dark and dusty and the furniture inside was covered in cobwebs. They could see the heartbreaking signs of neglect and abandonment everywhere.

Gone In a Hurry


Then they moved on to the cabins, small and cramped, with two or four beds in each room. But the beds weren't made and the sheets were stained with mildew. You could see suitcases still open and clothes strewn about the room as if the passengers had left in a hurry.

A Weird Sound


As Jeff and Mike walked through the empty corridors of the abandoned ship, they suddenly heard a strange noise. "Did you just hear that?" Mike said in a shaky voice. But Jeff looked unfazed. He just shrugged and walked away. But they would soon find out what was really going on. 

Going Even Deeper


After a while, Jeff wanted to go lower into other parts of the ship. There was a small stairway that could lead them there, but it was dark. So they took out their phones and used their flashlights to guide them, and as they descended the noise started to get louder.

Investigating the Sound


It sounded like a low, muffled scream and the sound startled Jeff and Mike. They looked at each other with fear in their eyes, but knew they had to go further inside the ship to investigate. Suddenly, the ladder ended and they found themselves in the mechanical section of the ship.

Walk In the Water


They could hear water running and there was a small layer of water they had to go through. They tried to be as quiet as possible so they could follow the sound, but it echoed through the ship. This made it even harder to pinpoint where the sound was coming from.

Worry Increased


They sank deeper into the ship and Mike was filled with anxiety. He knew they could never find their way back if something happened to them. Various worst-case scenarios flashed through his mind as he gazed beyond the damp, rusty walls of the ship. What had he gotten himself into?

A Secret Door


After walking for a long while, they finally came to the end. They knew they couldn't reach the bottom of the ship, so why was there a standoff? But then Mike noticed something. There was a small handle in the center of the wall. "Here," he indicated. "I see a door.”

Something Inside


Jeff grabbed the handle, but the door was stuck. He put his ear to the door and listened intently. “The sound definitely comes from here,” he said. Mike stopped next to him and put his ear to the door too. "I hear it, but how are we going to get in?”

Another Boat


Suddenly, they felt something that nearly made their hearts stop. A boat was approaching the ship and they could hear muffled sounds of men talking angrily to each other. It looked like they were boarding the cruise ship too. “I knew it," Mike said, "I knew it was a bad idea.”

Strange Men


They knew they had to act fast. They rushed to the stairwell, but as they started up the stairs, they heard loud footsteps coming down the stairs. So they turned quickly, turned off their flashlights, and hid behind the stairwell. They held their breath as the men got closer and closer.

What Was Happening?


The sound of heavy footsteps on the metal ladder thundered through the ship. They watched as three men walked down the stairs and headed straight for the closed door. As the men opened the door, the muffled scream grew louder and Mike barely got a glimpse of what was happening inside.

Was It a Woman?


"Damn it," he whispered. "We have to get out of here and fast." Jeff looked at him with a worried look on his face. "What did you see, Mike?" Who was in the room? But Mike didn't say anything. “This cry sounded like a woman's. We have to help her out."

They Were Outnumbered


Mike sighed because he knew Jeff was right. But this situation had just gotten worse. Not only did these men outnumber Mike and Jeff, but they were also much bigger and stronger than them. And to make matters worse, Mike noticed that one of them was carrying a gun with him.

Call the Police


They decided to call the police, but knew it would take some time for them to arrive. So Mike mustered all of his courage and agreed with Jeff to see what the men were doing. They got up and walked towards the door listening carefully to what the men were saying.

Taken by Criminals


"There is someone on this ship," one of the men said. “Did you see how the lock was broken? He couldn't have done it from here. “Their boat is still moored to the ship so they must still be here,” another man said. "You stay here and I'll search the ship.”

Hidden Aboard


Mike and Jeff went back under the stairs and watched as a man came out of the room. Mike caught a glimpse of a pistol tucked into his belt and feared the thought of coming face to face with him. They listened to the man's footsteps as he slowly walked away.

Mike Panicked


"This is not good," Mike muttered in a panic. "Calm down, Mike," Jeff replied. "I need you to stay alert." Mike sighed because he knew Jeff was right. His heart was pounding in his chest and he couldn't wait for the police to arrive. "Okay," Jeff said. "I have a plan.”

Jeff Has a Plan


“We have to lure him out of the room and, at the same time, distract the man upstairs who is looking for us,” Jeff said. “But how can we? It's just the two of us,” Mike replied. "Follow my lead." Jeff was confident in his plan, but Mike wasn't so sure.

Looking for Something


Jeff looked around the darkness. Mike was confused about what he was looking for, but soon realized it when Jeff lifted a large rock. Mike was about to speak, but Jeff put a finger to his lips and threw the rock down the stairs. A loud bang echoed through the ship.

A Big Hit


Mike's eyes widened and Jeff then ran into the pitch black darkness of the ship. The man left in the room stormed out and ran straight for the stairs. "Bridge!" he shouted. "I have them!" The man ran up the stairs and Jeff and Mike waited for his footsteps to fade.

Distract the Man


When all they could hear were muffled footsteps, Mike and Jeff emerged from the darkness and ran into the now empty room. Jeff opened the heavy door and went inside, but just as Mike was about to enter, he heard the men getting out. Mike froze, not knowing what to do.

Stay Inside


He ended up hiding behind something, just in time for the men to return. "I really thought I had them, Derek," a man said. “I told you to stay in the room with her” Derek replied. "I'll lock you inside with her, and when I find the intruders, I'll come back.”

Not Knowing What to Do


"I hope Jeff managed to hide," thought Mike. Derek took a padlock from his pocket and locked his partner inside the room. Then he clipped the keys to his belt and went upstairs. Mike waited a few minutes, not knowing what to do, when a loud noise came from the room.

A Fight Broke Out


It looked like someone was rearranging the room, but why? Suddenly Mike understood what was happening. Mike hurriedly put his ear to the door and listened. Jeff and the man were definitely arguing, and he could even hear a woman screaming, but it sounded like she had something in her mouth.

Running with Adrenaline


Mike's body was filled with adrenaline; all he could think about was saving his friend. Without thinking, he ran upstairs and started yelling for Derek. “Derek? Where are you?” Heavy footsteps ran towards him, and before Mike knew it, he was face to face with Derek, who looked very, very angry.



“H… Hello," Mike said, a little less confident now. Derek didn't say anything but walked slowly towards Mike with his hand near his gun. "So," Derek finally said. "Are you guys just sneaking around this ship? You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into, you know.” Derek was very intimidating.

Move Quickly


Mike also knew that the only way to get Jeff out of that room was with the keys hanging from Derek's belt. Mike had no idea how he managed to grab the keys, but he did. Suddenly, he had them in his hand and Derek was lying dazed on the floor.

No Time to Waste


Mike didn't have time to waste, so he quickly ran downstairs and opened the door. He expected to find Jeff standing triumphantly over the other man's dazed body, but he couldn't be more wrong. When he opened the door, he was greeted by the other man's angry face. It was bad.

Like an Action Movie


It felt like an action movie. Mike scanned the room. He knew where Jeff was, he knew someone was sitting in the center of the room, and he knew he was about to get punched in the face by a man nearly twice his size, but somehow he defused the situation.

An Explosion of Confidence


Mike stopped in the doorway confidently. "Hi," he said quietly. "Your partner Derek is passed out upstairs." But the man remained completely unfazed. He had a dangerous look on his face, but Mike didn't seem to care. He was about to hit Mike when the man suddenly fell to the ground.

Saved by Jeff


As the man fell, he revealed Jeff standing behind him with the crowbar in his hands. He'd gotten off the ground as the man stood in front of Mike and, unbeknownst to him, punched him square in the head. Both men were now dazed, they could wake up at any moment.

Untie the Woman


Mike and Jeff rushed towards the woman. She was forcibly tied to a chair with duct tape covering her mouth. Jeff carefully removed the tape from her face and she immediately yelled, “Please hurry! Get me out of here!" Mike untied her hands and Jeff untied her legs in record time.

Police Sirens


They could hear police sirens from afar. They helped the woman up, for she was too weak to stand on her own, and together they walked back to the boats they came from. They put the woman in their boat and Jeff grabbed pieces of rope to tie the men together.

Shocked the Police


Eventually the police arrived and they were shocked to see what they had been called to do. They didn't expect to see this. They quickly rushed inside and arrested the two men. They took the woman to safety and Mike and Jeff also had to accompany them to the police station.

Going to the Station


Jeff and Mike were questioned at the station and they had to explain everything that had happened that day. They shouldn't have been on the ship in the first place, so they feared the police would arrest them for it, but instead the entire force reacted very differently than they expected.

Not a Normal Woman


Instead of arresting Jeff and Mike, they rewarded them for their bravery. It turned out that the woman they rescued was not a normal woman. She was the governor's daughter, and had been held hostage for a few days now. The man had asked for money but suddenly cut off contact.

A Happy Governor


Were it not for Jeff and Mike, the woman in question would probably be dead right now. The Governor congratulated the young men for saving her daughter and rewarded them with a large check. Jeff and Mike were still reeling from what had happened. They couldn't believe this was all real.

Their Big Reward


Jeff and Mike got a check from the governor so big that they decided to travel the world for a while. The frightening ordeal scarred them, but that didn't stop them from having other adventures. They lived the rest of their lives like there was no tomorrow and enjoyed every minute.

The events of this story are entirely fictional and are products of the author’s imagination. Images included are meant for illustration purposes only. Any resemblance to actual events, places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.